White Knights & Snow Angels

We’re getting a dump of snow combined with lots of wind. Tomorrow the temperatures are supposed to nosedive along with even more wind.

I’ve prepared everything I can but that does leave one large chore which is beyond me.

My friend Evelyn and I were talking about the snow storm they had on the west coast. She doesn’t have to worry about clearing because a group calling themselves Snow Angels does it for her.

Here on the Island we don’t have armies of people with shovels. In addition to the Highways crew every other pickup truck suddenly sprouts a plow on its front end.

One of those manly beasts arrived this morning to clear my driveway. I think of him as a White Knight. Oh I’ll pay him for this but my gratitude is broader than just relief vehicles can enter my yard.

I have a small, stubborn, spoiled dog. He doesn’t like snow when it’s deeper than 2 inches. It’s a struggle getting him outdoors. He now has a flat meadow for outdoor activities. Once I convince him he can climb over the snow bank. 🙂

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